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lecture notes




The lecture notes, study resources, powerpoint slides, assignment tips, topic information and content tips have been made available for you to download.

These resources are supplementary materials only and are to be used in conjunction with various class resources and activities. They are not a substitute for texts or the reference material.

View them as useful starting point for your information research.

For referencing, use the distributed Harvard Referencing guide or to download, follow the menus at www.library.jcu.edu.au/LibraryGuides/harvard.shtml to locate.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to research and develop a financial plan to support business viability.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to a) evaluate e business models and strategies, and to incorporate the results of these evaluations into the design of an e business solution.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to determine the optimum marketing mix for a business through analysis of interrelated marketing components.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to identify and comply with the regulatory, taxation, insurance requirements, risk management and legal needs as well as the specific legal requirements for management of small business.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to research and develop an integrated business plan for achieving business goals and objectives.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to undertake a straightforward project or a section of a larger project.


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to lead and manage continuous improvement systems and processes.  


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to manage risks in a range of contexts across the organisation or for a specific business unit or area.   


To provide learners the skills and knowledge required to understand the basic issues involved in international business.


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Copyright © 2004 Paragon Marketing
Last modified: January 20, 2015